Y11 Information Evening 2019

Having met with parents at Y11 information evening we are now sharing our resources from the evening. Hopefully parents feel well informed on the support available for both students and parents, but if you need anything else please don’t hesitate to contact peter.hill@yateley.hants.sch.uk and I’ll get back in touch ASAP! The main presentation is shown below and underneath you’ll find links to our other sessions!

Planning Revision MIP Parents

Science GCSE Revision – Parent Briefing

2019 – Presentation on Revision

Helping your Teen parents information evening 2019 Maths


Our brand new bus service!

As a result of Stagecoach removing their 2A service, we now provide a home to school transport service in partnership with Hodges Coaches. This service will transport students from the surrounding areas of Hawley Estate, Chapel Lane, Sandy Lane, Fernhill Road, Hawley Lane.

The coach will follow the route as detailed in the diagram below, please also find the timetable and images of location for coach stops.

We are looking to extend this service further, if you would like to find out more, please email Chris Tombs, School Business Manager chris.tombs@yateley.hants.sch.uk

Year 11 – Getting Grades 7-9

We take great pleasure in attaching our support guide for students that outlines all the additional help that is available to them to get grades 7-9. We will always be here to support and guide you but sometimes you may need that extra knowledge about where specialist help is available to get those top grades, and if that’s you then check out our booklet below!

thumbnail of 7-9 Completed

Year 11 – The GCSE Experience

What a great start from our Year 11s this year. Determined to help them understand the path to success we’ve launched an easy to use monthly planner to show students what will be happening each month with key milestones. They’re put up as posters around the school but if you didn’t quite catch the detail then why not take a look here…

Year 10 Parents Information Evening 2018

Thanks to the 100+ families who joined us on Thursday 13 September 2018 for our Y10 parents information evening. We hope you enjoyed it and found it useful to attend! If you weren’t able to be there all of the resources from the day are here for you to download and view in your own time…

Main presentation:

Year 10 Open Evening – 2018

Work Experience Prezi:



Year 10 Parent Exams Info booklet

GCSEpod Guide and Parent support:

thumbnail of How_to_support_your_child thumbnail of Parent_Quick_Start_Guide

Start times for Wednesday 5th September 2018:

Start times on Wed 5th Sep:

  • 8.45 Year 7 Arrive/Induction (Main Hall)
  • 9.15 Year 12 Arrive/Induction
  • 10.00 Year 10 Arrive/Induction
  • 11.00 Year 8,9,11 Arrive/Induction
  • 13.00 Year 13 Arrive/Induction
  • 13.30 Teaching starts for all years (except Year 7 due to their individual timetable and Year 12)

Yateley School 2018 GCSE results

Yateley School 2018 A-Level results