Step One
The form tutor, working with the Head of House and Assistant Head of House is responsible for all matters concerning the care of your child and you should, in the first instance, contact him/her.
The form tutor, working with the Head of House and Assistant Head of House is responsible for all matters concerning the care of your child and you should, in the first instance, contact him/her.
If you need more information or if something is worrying you, then we will be delighted to make an appointment to meet you in person. Please click here:
The Pupil Premium is a sum of money given to schools for every child who has received Free School Meals in the last six years. We also receive additional money for children in local authority care, adopted under certain circumstances and for children who have a parent in the Armed Forces. Pupil Premium information can be found on our policies page.
The Gifted and Talented Programme is an ever growing and developing one and provides exciting opportunities for students across all year groups.
In addition, we undertake follow up visits to discuss individual students in more detail and hold additional transition sessions for some more vulnerable students.
This teaching group was first run in September 2010, and has been a successful addition to our standard curriculum arrangements for Year 7 students.
The department has a flexible approach towards the provision that we make for students with SEND, with a view to creating long-term independence.
Once students arrive in school, they all undertake a range of standardised assessments to establish their strengths and possible areas of difficulty.
Yateley School’s Student Support Department is led by the Head of Learning Support, Mrs Goredema; other departmental staff include a part-time specialist teacher, an administrator, 11 full time equivalent Student Support Assistants (SSAs) and Higher Level Teaching Assistants (HLTAs) and a full time ELSA (Emotional, Literacy Support Assistant). Click here to e-mail the department.