
Welcome to the Governors’ area

As Governors of Yateley School, we have a responsibility to make sure the students are getting the best all-round education possible. We do this by looking at results and outcomes, by asking questions, by talking to staff, parents and students and by visiting the school. We can then legitimately challenge the school to do better in areas which are not performing as strongly as they could be. We also love to celebrate the things the school is doing really well.

Meredith Bevan – Chair
Wendy Cairns – Vice Chair
Vicky Cole  – Clerk
Paul German – Headteacher
Janet Williams – Staff Governor


Camilla Bailey   – Co-opted Governor
Fiona Edwards  – Co-opted Governor
Eamon O’Reilly – Co-opted Governor
Mark Hainy       – Co-opted Governor

Martin Harris – Parent Governor
Matt Seaborn – Parent Governor
Matt Grantham – Parent Governor

Governor Profiles and Constitution – Click on the Governor Profiles graphic to access the full document.

Please click the images above to download/view our full Governor profiles

thumbnail of Governor Profiles R11


The full Governing Body meets on a monthly basis (term time only), working with the following three core strategic objectives:
  • Establishing the strategic direction
  • Ensuring accountability
  • Ensuring financial probity


We also have the following Committees:

  • Headteacher’s Performance Management Panel meets every term to review objectives
  • Pay Committee meets late in the autumn term and again in the spring term.
  • Panels for complaints, staff dismissal appeals and pupil exclusion appeal will be called when appropriate

Policies and Important Documents