School Comms

We communicate with parents via Schoolcomms provided you have given us your email address (please remember to add to your address book so our messages are not blocked by your spam/junk filter).



We actively encourage students to read a wide and varied range of fiction. As the School Library is also Yateley’s Public Library and is deemed to be dual purpose, we have a wealth of suitable reading material in the teen and adult collections as well as the children’s section.


Lockers are available for students to hire during their time at Yateley School. The cost is £20.00 which includes a refundable deposit of £5.00 which is returned when the locker key is handed back at the end of Year 11.


In 2013 we introduced a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) scheme. Over the years the scheme has continued to grow across the year groups so that all students will have a device as part of their every day school equipment.

Mobile Phones

Students are allowed their mobile phone in school but it should be tuned off and away during the school day when on school site. Permission can be given by staff for a student to use it, for example to support the learning in a lesson or because a student has been given permission to contact their parent/carer. Students are not allowed Bluetooth earphones in school (for example Apple AirPods) however students should have a wired pair of earphones for subjects like ICT when needed.

Student Handbook

Students are given a School Handbook which is full of Yateley School information. This contains a map of the school, useful apps list, uniform rules, ‘Ready, Respectful, Safe’ information, details about the school library and School certificates and house colours information.

House Points

We encourage participation, helpfulness and achievement through awarding House points or commendations. House points are awarded for good answers in class, acts of helpfulness, supporting school activities and of course, good work. For excellent work and success in school activities, a commendation can be awarded.


The House system allows for competition and co-operation in sporting, dramatic, musical, social and charitable activities. Each house has its own colour and house affiliation is shown by a coloured stripe – green, red, yellow and blue on our sweaters. The four houses are: Darwin, Nightingale, Pankhurst and Wilberforce.

Every Child Matters

Although Yateley is a large school, every student is valued as an individual. Students are placed into tutor groups and these are within ‘houses’. In charge of each House is a Head of House and an Assistant Head of House who will oversee your child’s progress through the school.